Get Involved
How Do I Meet People & Get Involved at DCC?
Our church is not a place for spectators; it is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom, or a businessman or business woman with big responsibilities, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, & grow at this church.
Sewing Beelievers
The Sewing Beelivers is a ministry of DCC. They make blankets & other items to give away. Some of the places they’ve given items away to is local Rest Homes, Nursing Homes, Hospitals, to people within our church & beyond. Anybody & everybody is invited to be a part of this ministry. Even if you can’t sow there’s something for you to do! This ministry meets every Thursday from 1-4 pm at DCC.
Life Study/Sunday School
Most often, small groups of people are better able to interact & learn about a topic than larger groups are. For that reason, our church has small Bible studies held at our facility. The size of the group is anywhere from 6 to 25 people. The classes utilize different types of curriculum. The Sunday school classes, the Adult I, the SonShine class & the Bertha Smith/Men’s class uses Free Will Baptist material. Our classes are not necessarily divided by age group, the ages are diverse. What class you attend is up to you, is all based on preference.
Students Ministry
Each Sunday morning, children get to participate in their own classes. Bible lessons are taught in such a way where every child gets to participate & learn. Each of the class teachers are carefully screened & trained so that your child gets the best possible atmosphere.
Women 4 Christ
The Women 4 Christ meet at 6:30 pm on the 1st Monday of every month. The purpose of this group is for women to work together in Christian service. They use their God-given abilities in a united effort to advance the cause of Christ. Come out & be a part of this exciting group!
Men’s Fellowship Group
The Men’s Fellowship Group meets every third Tuesday of the month. Consider coming out to be a part of this group for a great time of fellowship & some great food!
Wednesday Morning Bible Study
This class meets every Wednesday at 10:30. Everyone is welcomed to be a part of this group!
Wednesday Night Meal Team
This is an opportunity to serve our community by helping make home cook meals, pack the meals, deliver the meals & help with the clean up of an average of 350+ a week"
Welcoming Team
As a church we strive to be friendly and hospitable. One of the ways we look to do this is by "meeting people at the door" and welcoming to our service opportunities. If that interests you we have a spot for you!
Choir/Music Ministry
Traditional chancel choir meets on Wednesday evenings at 8pm and performs during most Sunday morning services. There is also a contemporary ensemble made up of singers and instrumentalists that rehearse on Sunday mornings and perform during most worship services.
How do I know which group to get involved with?
Take these assessments!
Click here to learn more about your serving “sweet spot” with DISC, a free personality assessment.
Click here to complete a Spiritual Gifts Survey
Click here to complete a personality test
Click here to complete to S.H.A.P.E Assessment